Welcome! I'm Holly Chayes.

This online space has been around in one form or another since 2010, it focuses on making, creativity and living a curious life, plus a lot of clothing.

Some of the projects I've worked on in the past 10+ years include...

Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes

An interview podcast that's all about clothing (and also, not *really* about clothing at all). Find all the details and listen to conversations about comfort, style, change and shopping here. Or search for Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes wherever you listen to podcasts.

Who Wears Who?

A personal style coaching and content practice devoted to helping you own and wear your clothes intentionally, instead of being worn by them. Discover your own style guidance, and learn more about the practice of intentional style at WhoWearsWho.com

The Self-Made Wardrobe Project

Predecessor to Who Wears Who, a year-long challenge in 2014/2015 where I only wore clothes I made. That year would have been a lot easier if the clothes had magically made themselves. Learn more about The Self-Made Wardrobe Project and explore the archives here.

The Shawl Geometry Book Series

Enough shawl shapes to keep you knitting for a lifetime. A multi-year exploration of math, shape and space in knitting, where I documented traditional shawl shaping, and iterated on those traditions to create new recipes of shawl shaping. Ultimately this lead to 75+ shapes, and 400+ pages of common and uncommon shawl shaping instructions. This project was inspired by a dozen individual shawl designs, each encapsulating a love of geometric lace design. You can find The Shawl Geometry Series here.


Thank you for being here with me. –Holly

a week of weaving, crocheting, and knitting, how multi-craftual

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on. I’m moving in about 2 weeks, and so this week has been all about finishing up projects. The last piece of fabric from my autumnal pile of yarn has been woven – now they just need a good soak, a bunch of ends woven in, and some photos. The giant black and white granny square gotten a seam and turned into a cardigan – now it just needs photos. And my crazy colorful sweater has sleeves! I’ve been procrastinating on the sleeves of this sweater for months, but it has two sleeves – now I need to pull back a few rows on one of the sleeves (because I knit it too long, sort of on purpose), and weave in another huge pile of ends. Other than that it’s been mostly packing, sorting, donating, logistics-ings, and convincing myself that...
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I love how plain weave fabric highlights the interaction between the warp and the weft

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. I’ve begun contemplating possible sewing projects for this fabric, and am leaning towards something patchworky. So with this piece of fabric I stuck to long stretches of using only one yarn, as oppose to mixing colors all over the place. I figure, if I do end up doing something patchworky, then having the option of patches in a single colorway will be helpful. I love how the plain weave fabric shows off the dye job, and highlights the color interactions between the warp and the weft. Another four or five feet woven with this particular pile of yarn, and I still have 3 decent sized balls of yarn left… It feels as though this is the never ending pile of yarn. I’m hoping against all hope that the next piece of cloth finishes...
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gobble, purple, gobble – and another week of weaving

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. Just a quick little note, before I dive back into my day of trying to run a pile of errands, while still avoiding the crowds of New Yorkers rushing off the island for the holiday. I warped the loom last Thursday, and have been spending a few minutes here, and a few minutes there working on the fabric itself. It’s another plain weave fabric – playing around with colors. Tonight, I’m looking forward to a solid evening of weaving, before kicking off a weekend full of travel, and family, and food. If you’re doing Thanksgiving tomorrow – gobble, gobble, Happy Thanksgiving! If you’re not – have a brilliant Thursday and a wonderful weekend! No related posts.