Welcome! I'm Holly Chayes.

This online space has been around in one form or another since 2010, it focuses on making, creativity and living a curious life, plus a lot of clothing.

Some of the projects I've worked on in the past 10+ years include...

Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes

An interview podcast that's all about clothing (and also, not *really* about clothing at all). Find all the details and listen to conversations about comfort, style, change and shopping here. Or search for Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes wherever you listen to podcasts.

Who Wears Who?

A personal style coaching and content practice devoted to helping you own and wear your clothes intentionally, instead of being worn by them. Discover your own style guidance, and learn more about the practice of intentional style at WhoWearsWho.com

The Self-Made Wardrobe Project

Predecessor to Who Wears Who, a year-long challenge in 2014/2015 where I only wore clothes I made. That year would have been a lot easier if the clothes had magically made themselves. Learn more about The Self-Made Wardrobe Project and explore the archives here.

The Shawl Geometry Book Series

Enough shawl shapes to keep you knitting for a lifetime. A multi-year exploration of math, shape and space in knitting, where I documented traditional shawl shaping, and iterated on those traditions to create new recipes of shawl shaping. Ultimately this lead to 75+ shapes, and 400+ pages of common and uncommon shawl shaping instructions. This project was inspired by a dozen individual shawl designs, each encapsulating a love of geometric lace design. You can find The Shawl Geometry Series here.


Thank you for being here with me. –Holly

Why do you need that many knitting needles?

Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. This week, I’m still knitting away on my free-form stockinette thing. What it will become is still to-be-determined. And I’m still finding the act of curling string into loops incredibly comforting in it’s consistency. I still have a pile of ends to weave in. But today, I wanted to write about materials, and how they influence our experience of making. Because this week, I switched my project from wooden knitting needles to metal ones, and it’s making for an exponentially more enjoyable knitting experience. … I have a lot of knitting needles. And a lot of sewing needles. And a lot of scissors. (Not to mention a lot of fabric, fiber, yarn, clothes, books, and papers.) Occasionally, someone (usually a “non-maker” aka muggle) will comment on the multitudes that I have. “Do...
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Knitting as a way to make sense of the world.

Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. Knitting something just to knit. At this point, I’ve been knitting* for most of my life. *and sewing, and embroidering, and generally making things with fabrics & fibers. It hasn’t always been a consistent relationship, we’ve had our ebbs and flows, our ups and downs. But it has always been a constant one. There’s something incredibly comforting, about the consistency of knitting. Things have changed about my relationship to knitting (I’d say any relationship in which absolutely nothing has changed in a couple decades might not be healthy) – what I knit changes, what yarn I use changes, how I knit changes, why I knit changes. But regardless of all that, the comfort I get from knitting remains consistent. Yarn + Needles. Shaping one loop, after one loop, after one loop, into...
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How to knit a sweater. This post is not about knitting. (Except in all the ways that it is).

Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. What do you write on a knitting/sewing/style blog the morning after a US election? What do you write on a knitting/sewing/style blog the morning after this US election? Part of me says “say nothing, put this post off till tomorrow. No one will notice you missed this Wednesday.” But I highly doubt I’ll figure out what to say by waiting till tomorrow. And today is Wednesday. And each Wednesday, for longer than this election cycle has been going on, I have posted “a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.” I’ve posted on weeks when it was easy, and I had a lot to say. On weeks I had nothing to say. On weeks when I forget that I always have something to say. On weeks...
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