Welcome! I'm Holly Chayes.

This online space has been around in one form or another since 2010, it focuses on making, creativity and living a curious life, plus a lot of clothing.

Some of the projects I've worked on in the past 10+ years include...

Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes

An interview podcast that's all about clothing (and also, not *really* about clothing at all). Find all the details and listen to conversations about comfort, style, change and shopping here. Or search for Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes wherever you listen to podcasts.

Who Wears Who?

A personal style coaching and content practice devoted to helping you own and wear your clothes intentionally, instead of being worn by them. Discover your own style guidance, and learn more about the practice of intentional style at WhoWearsWho.com

The Self-Made Wardrobe Project

Predecessor to Who Wears Who, a year-long challenge in 2014/2015 where I only wore clothes I made. That year would have been a lot easier if the clothes had magically made themselves. Learn more about The Self-Made Wardrobe Project and explore the archives here.

The Shawl Geometry Book Series

Enough shawl shapes to keep you knitting for a lifetime. A multi-year exploration of math, shape and space in knitting, where I documented traditional shawl shaping, and iterated on those traditions to create new recipes of shawl shaping. Ultimately this lead to 75+ shapes, and 400+ pages of common and uncommon shawl shaping instructions. This project was inspired by a dozen individual shawl designs, each encapsulating a love of geometric lace design. You can find The Shawl Geometry Series here.


Thank you for being here with me. –Holly

I Have An Idea

I’ll let you know more when I have the written component outlined and fleshed out a bit. I also have knitting & spinning progress to talk about, but that will come when I remember to get photos before the sun starts to go down. No related posts.

Photos: Mirror World

A couple months ago, sometime in early March, I found myself with a few free hours, a fried brain, a free dress form, a drawer full of shawls, a camera and a sunny morning. So rather than doing something productive for school I spend the morning photographing shawls. Some are old, some are new. Some had been photographed before, some hadn’t. Some of the patterns have been published, some are still waiting patiently in the wings. Either way I recently found that folder again, and  thought it might be fun to post some of the photos. Because there are so many (200+ initially), and I didn’t want to create a ridiculously overwhelming post, I’m splitting them up by shawl, so each shawl will get it’s chance in the spotlight. I love Mirror World primarily for it’s stitch pattern, though the yarn, color and shape are all some of my favorites...
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Bring Out Your WIPs

I pulled out all my active WIPs the other day as part of an effort to clean, organize, take stock, and wow are there a lot. I’m still trying to figure out when I cast all of these on, and when I knit on them, because knitting time has been scarce the past few months (that whole graduating thing really got in the way.) But anyway there are a lot. 1. The Not Quite Argyle Sweater is still on the needles. I’m past the waist decreases, into the bust increases, and it’s getting to be time to figure out the armhole and neckline shaping. I’m thinking set in sleeves, with a V neck, but I very well might change my mind. I also finally knit the turned hem, and now just need to sew it in (the red dots are just the waste yarn from the provisional cast on) I...
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