
what’s in the works


Back in NYC – it’s an adjustment and is not quite warm enough to knit outside

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.  back in NYC

NYC subway station

weekend knitting

I arrived back in NYC Thursday, and was promptly greeted by snow flurries and ridiculous subway delays – welcome back indeed.

I’m slowly adjusting to being back. Everything is thoroughly familiar, and entirely different; like looking at a familiar landscape through a new lens. Which I guess it is. What is travel if not a way to shake up everything in our brains, and come back to our day-to-day lives with new eyes.

Spring is beginning to come around here, when the sun is shining and the wind isn’t blowing it can be downright warm – not quite knitting in the park warm. I do miss that, and can’t wait till it’s that warm here (though it seems like the Bay Area has been cold & rainy lately, so it sounds like I timed my trip well).

Despite having to knit indoors, I’ve been knitting away on my sweater. Finished the body over the weekend and am knitting my way down the first sleeve.

And if you’re looking for some sort of fibery distraction – I wrote about all 15 yarn & fabric shops I visited on my trip. Sort of like a mini fiber tour of each city, first the San Francisco Bay Area, and then Portland.

So much yarn, so little time.


I am definitely not in California anymore

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. 

airplane sunset


winter woodland

travel yarn doesn't count

east coast sunset

My trip to the left coast of the country ended with a rather surreal day of traveling on Friday. My first flight took off from Oakland before the sun had risen, and my second flight landed in Boston after the sun had set.

That, combined with a series of unfortunate events leading to a distinct lack of food until I landed in Boston (a last minute checked bag, construction at LAX, and a fellow passenger’s peanut allergy), means I don’t quite remember Friday – but I do know I got a lot of knitting done.

I’m back on the east coast, outside of Boston for a couple days before heading back to NYC. We’ve been having a warm spell for a couple days, but the temperature is supposed to drop, there is still some snow & ice on the ground, and I am definitely not in California anymore.

And (sort of to my surprise) I did manage to pack everything back into the same suitcase & purse I arrived with. It took a lot of smooshing, some close to bursting seams, and leaving one pair of jeans (that had developed a rather large rip) behind – but everything ultimately fit.


sweaters and sunsets

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. 

knitting in the sun

stunning sunsets

This past week in the Bay Area has been absolutely stunning – warm and sunny.

I’ve spent a lot of time walking and wandering, knitting in parks, and enjoying beautiful sunsets each evening. I’m gearing up to fly back east on Friday, and while I suspect that the weather will come as a bit of a shock, I’m also ready to be back.

I’ve finished the waist decreases on my sweater, and am thinking I’ll be able to get through a significant chunk of the hip increases on my flight.