
what’s in the works


the lime green swatching interlude continues

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. 

writing on the train

knitting in the car

Frodo the puppy dog

mason jar of swatches

This week has been filled with as much writing and swatching as I could possibly squeeze in, between clients, and teaching, and travel, and Easter things, and puppy snuggles.

This weekend I was up at my parents’ for a combination of Easter festivities, and a dentist’s visit. I spent most of the week, and the train rides that bookended the weekend, typing away at a steady clip.

Then I  spent my time this weekend swatching, and swatching, and swatching some more – at least, between eating a ton of food, and seeing a ton of family, and snuggling with the puppy dog. (I even took advantage of the ball winder I have up there – how I ended up with two ball winders, I do not know.)

Between last week’s swatches, and this weekend’s swatches my giant mason jar overfloweth with lime green swatches. And since I have to stop adding shapes to this update at some point – the end of this green swatch knitting interlude is close but not quite here yet.


filling a giant mason jar full of knitted swatches

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. 

mason jar full of swatches

I’ve set my sweater project aside for a couple moments to start working my way through a rather monumental pile of swatching.

If you’ve hung around here for awhile, you many recognize this bright green yarn as the the yarn in the shawl geometry book samples – and you would be correct.

I’m smack dab in the middle of the messy writing & swatching stage of a pretty massive sprucing that I thought up and planned out while wandering around the west coast.

So there are lots of inarticulate words, and ripping swatches flying around here at the moment. (With some true gems and easy knitting popping their heads up at times – just to keep things interesting).

Once I hit publish on this, I’m diving back into my cave made of word and yarn. Though, I woke up this morning with a rather spectacular head-cold, which is making holding more than five words in my brain at a time, (let alone stringing words together) a rather fuzzy task.


finding the flow in my sweater knitting again, and losing things in my storage unit

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at. 

storage unit

sweater sleeve on the needles

This is has felt both interminably long, and impossibly short.

I came back from California with piles of juicy plans.* And this week has been half about helping those plans begin to land, and half about getting back into the flow of NYC (reconnecting with people, looking for gigs & projects, etc.)
*including plans for updating the Shawl Geometry Books, diving back into color theory, and delving deeper into sustainable & intentional wardrobe building.

Helping all these plans land has mostly looked like sitting in front of my computer typing away.

But sometimes, when my eyes start to cross, it looks like rummaging through my storage unit searching for the original shawl geometry swatches (haven’t found them yet – I know they’re in there somewhere. Or knitting away on my sweater.

My sweater, which ran into a bit of a snag over the weekend – the neckline & yoke were all sorts of funky. I sort of knew this when I cast on, but I was kind of hoping it’d just go away.

I know you’ll be shocked when I say, the problem didn’t just go away. In fact, it was screwing up how the sleeves were falling – so I couldn’t get an accurate sense of the sleeves until I fixed the yoke. I wrote about figuring all that out on Monday.
(Side note: taking photos of your own shoulder is really hard! Especially when your tripod is trapped in an unknown box, somewhere in the back of your storage unit.) 

Then Monday evening I sat down, fixed the yoke, and am now back to working away on the first sleeve.

Still haven’t ordered that third cone of yarn, and I know I should. But I think I can at least get through the first sleeve using what’s left on the cone I have. (Now that I’ve type this – lets all watch it come around to bite me.)