
what’s in the works


I never realized I had this much stuff…

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.


Just like last week, I have piles of boxes, and clothes, and fabric, and books, and paper, and yarn. Everywhere.

This week has been a lot of “why did I keep that?!” combined with shuffling piles around, and slowly getting a sense of where to put everything.

After months of living out of one suitcase, and one purse, suddenly having boxes and boxes of things is very overwhelming. But I’m chipping away at my piles of things. And I hope it gets less overwhelming soon.

In knitting, I’m starting to unpack some of my yarn, and am finding myself browsing Ravelry’s pattern database. Nothing has jumped onto my needles yet, but I’m contemplating maybe casting on for something.

In writing, the first and second Shawl Geometry books have come back from their respective technical editors, and are patiently waiting for me to input those edits.


moving, ugh…

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.




My god, moving is a pain in the ass.

Boxes, and books, and yarn, and fabric, and clothes everywhere…

it’s rather overwhelming.

So, I’m sandwiching unpacking between writing, edits, and sunsets. Hopefully I’ll be totally unpacked soon.


a week of traveling, editing, and moving

Each Wednesday, I take stock of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.

editing by the sea

What projects am I working on? And where is my brain at?

I’m working on far too many projects, and my brain feels like it’s about to explode in 14 different directions.

I got back from Maine after a cancelled flight (that was never actually technically cancelled), an extra night in a Portland hotel, and a very early flight the next morning.

But at least the Portland airport has couches & rocking chairs, and the many hours of delay meant that I finished up the edits I was working on.

Which means, this round of edits for Shawl Geometry Book Two are done. And I got to send them off to my technical editor this morning.

If you’re keeping track of the revolving door that is this editing process. Book One is with it’s second technical editor, on it’s third (and final) round of edits. Book Two is with it’s first technical editor on it’s first round of edits. And I’m about to dive into my first round of edits on Book Three, while I wait for Book One to come back to me.

But between now and starting in on Book Three edits, I move.

Tomorrow morning.

And as much as I’m sick of moving, this move does reunite me with my yarn/fabric stash, and the rest of my wardrobe, so I’m pretty damn excited.