
what’s in the works


a week of knitting, and writing, and Shawl Geometry Two (2nd edition) is now available!

Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.

Knitting! I feel like haven’t knit ages! And to be real, I knit maybe two rows this week…

But I did pick up my Lady Bat Sweater, and figured out where I was again. Thankfully I made a note (I had frogged back to just before I reconnected for the second arm). So, I’ve reattached my yarn, and am starting to add more repeats to the front.

Other than that, I finished the sparkle jumpsuit from last week, while completely ignoring the over-shirt, and have been writing, writing, writing, editing, editing, editing away on Shawl Geometry Book Three.

And also! Drum-roll please!

I released the second edition of Shawl Geometry Book Two! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!

It’s here on the website. Or here on Ravelry.

If you’ve already bought the first edition of Shawl Geometry Book Two, check your inbox for the update!

You should have received an email with a download link for the second edition. That email also has instructions on how to get the book added to your Ravelry library.

If the link has expired, or you don’t see the email, (make sure you’re checking the email linked to your paypal account, and you checked your spam folder) – then, shoot me an email!

But if you don’t already own Shawl Geometry Book Two, take a look here and see what’s inside – I think you’re really going to like it.


a week of leaving a trail of sparkles in my wake

Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.

No metaphorical sparkles here, just real ones.

It turns out that making alterations to a sparkly jumpsuit leaves sparkles all over your desk (and floor, and apartment, and clothes, and shoes). Most of my time in front of the sewing machine this week has been focused on this jumpsuit because the dance company it’s for leaves town in a couple days.

But! I did snag a couple minutes to sew a couple seams on my black over-shirt that’s been cut and waiting in the wings for months. So now all that’s left to do is the neckline and hems!

Other than that, I’ve been focused on getting the second book in the Shawl Geometry Series ready to re-release. I’m giving it one final read through today before putting the final file together – if you’ve already bought a copy of Shawl Geometry Book Two, expect the second edition to pop up in your inbox tonight or tomorrow.

If you haven’t already bought your copy, you can do so here!

And with that, I’m going to dive back into my read through.


3 more projects for the UFO pile

Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.

Last week (the final week of last year) I gathered together all of the various works in progress I have “on the needles” (some metaphorically).

It turns out I forgot to include two crafty projects, and a huuuuge writing one.

Crafty Projects!

The first is mending two new holes in the pair of jeans that I mended this summer.

And the second is finishing sewing a shirt together. There are literally 10 seams on this and then it’s done.

The Writing Project!

Shawl Geometry Book Three…

Book One is available!

Book Two is coming next week!

Book Three is in the heavy stages of editing! (maybe heavy enough to be called rewriting?)

And I think that’s it?

I certainly hope that there aren’t any more projects I’m hiding from myself.

Because last week was a lot, and this week just adds on to the pile.

And while I don’t generally set new years resolutions or yearly goals (except for wardrobe challenges), I would really like to make a dent in this pile – either by finishing the project, re-purposing the project, or calling the project dead and disposing of it.

If you want to see my now-a-to-do-list pile of unfinished projects, watch last week’s experiment in video!

And a happy, happy New Year!