in which the green swatches take over (again)
Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.
The lime green Shawl Geometry swatches are taking over again – pushing aside all other knitting, sewing, or embroidery projects. Just a couple more swatches to round out the samples for Shawl Geometry Book Three!
in which I have a kitten assistant, stitch some words, unknit a sweater, and bring back the green swatches
Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.
stitching, typing, knitting – plus an experiment with video
Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.
I focused on embroidering, typing, and knitting this week.
Embroidering on my gigantic meditative embroidery project. Typing away on the edits for the third Shawl Geometry Book. And knitting away on my Lady Bat sweater.
Plus, I experimented with another video this week (far shorter this time).