


process or product?

Process or product?

Do you knit for the process of knitting, or the product you’re producing?
I would suspect that for many of us it’s about both.

I love the process of knitting.
The basic act of pulling loops of string through loops of string.
I find it as natural as breathing.

It’s a meditation. Embodying ease, rhythm, fluidity, flow, peace, knowing.
Every time I pick up needles it’s an act of affirmation.
I know that I know how to knit.

But at the same time, I don’t knit just to knit.
I knit towards something.
Not necessarily towards a finished object, but maybe. Or maybe it’s a swatch, or an idea, or a thought.
But I don’t knit for the sake of knitting.
I may not always get where I was planning on going, but the intention is still there.

The intention shapes what, how and where I knit. But the intention isn’t the process, and it’s not the final produced, even though it shapes and guides both.

Do I knit for an intention?
I don’t think I knit for it, but I certainly knit with it.

I knit for the sake of creating.
I knit so I know that I know how to knit.
I knit to strengthen the connections, and reaffirm the process, to confirm that I can still pull loops of string through loops of string.

I engage in the process with the intention of creating a product.

But when it comes to pulling loops through loops, and piling stitches on top of each other, I knit so I know, that I know, how to knit.

I knit so I know, that I know, how to knit.

It’s the process that I’m engaged in. Maybe the product is more of a planned afterthought?




I've always just knit. I've never really asked why before.
I just knit, because I knit.

So this is me trying to tease out the why. 

And if I know me, tomorrow I'll disagree with half of this, 
and think the other half is trite. 

But that's tomorrow. 

For now, here we are.

Wednesday Friday Mashup

It’s not Wednesday or Friday, but I have an FO/WIP mashup.



I’m busy working on swatches for the planned Shawl Geometry II. A bunch of the swatches are done, but there are still some more to go.

The current plan is to have Shawl Geometry II focus on subtracting from and dividing basic shapes to get new shapes, and then have a Shawl Geometry III that focuses on adding onto the basics. But that plan might change/get added to. Because Shawl Geometry II & III certainly weren’t in the original game plan.

Here’s the info about Shawl Geometry.

So instead of an FO tomorrow I think I’ll be talking about either why I knit, or the mess that comes from being a maker and trying to distinguish the “what I am” from the “what I do.”



playing with playing and swatches

I’m always working on some project or another, which means I often have FOs and new designs to share. You can see all my FOs … here … and all my designs … here.


They’re back…


I had hoped that even more swatches would be the final round of green swatches. But I guess that was not to be.

I’m exploring the idea of a Shawl Geometry II, (and maybe a 3). Taking the ideas and the shapes in Shawl Geometry even further.

So I’m playing with

  • increases and decreases
  • turning things on their head
  • shifting lines and shapes
  • cutting shapes in halves, quarters, thirds
  • varying degrees and angles
  • new ways to make old shapes
  • and playing with playing

Playing with playing. I think I like it.


You can learn more about Shawl Geometry here, and here.

If you’d like more FO Friday posts, from other bloggers, visit Tami’s blog.