
Shawl Geometry: Edge to Edge Square

This is the ninth post in a series about different shawl shapes and how to knit them. All the posts in the series can be found right here.

Shawl Geometry: all the knit shawl shapes you could even need

Edge to Edge Square

The Edge to Edge Square is knit flat and worked straight from the cast on edge to the bind off edge, with no increasing or decreasing. It’s one of the easiest shawl shapes there is to work, and because of this, it’s a fantastic shape for getting your feet wet adding stitch patterns to shawls.

Calculating your cast on and row count

Determine your final gauge, and desired dimensions.
[Stitch gauge] x [desired width] = [# of sts to CO]
[Row gauge] x [desired height] = [# of rows]

Knitting Instructions

CO [# of sts to CO].
R1: knit across.
R2: purl across.
Rep R1&2 until [# of rows] have been worked.
Bind off loosely.

If you want to incorporate a stitch pattern or motif, make sure your cast on number is divisible by the number of stitches in your stitch repeat, and your number of rows is divisible by the number of rows in your stitch repeat.


Get a Lifetime's Worth of Shawl Shapes!

Collectively the Shawl Geometry Series of books cover 75 shawl shapes from beginner to advanced, plus shawl shaping principles and theory. If you’ve enjoyed this blog post then check out the books, they cover enough shawl shaping to keep you happily knitting for a lifetime or two.

Get All the Shawl Shapes You'll Ever Need!

The previous post: Side to Side Triangle
The next post: Bias Square


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